What a bored day I have. My mind just full of him everyday, so bored~
So in order to escape from this yearning, I made an initiative to search things that I love. JAPAN FASHION CULTURE!! \(>A<)// #
I just know that Japanese Street Fashion is a fashion style in which the wearer cuastomizes outfits by adopting a mixture of current and tradisional trends. Such clothes are generally home-made with the use of material purchased at stores.
There are various kinds of Modern JSF such as Lolita, Gyaru, Ulzzang, Decora, Visual Kei, Cult Party Kei, Dolly Kei, Fairy Kei, Moly Girl and more include Cosplay.
Most of Japanese fashions are not suitable to adapt in Malaysia AT ALL!! When I google those fashions one by one, u know what I was like, "Ya Allah", "Mak Aii", "so weird..-_-" , "Gpo, po ore tok saro jah.. --||".. haha ^^ || ~
But apart from all, only Ulzzang style is the most preferred trend because it is simple + natural + girly. (even so ulzzang still was not originated from Japan actually. ^^)
I'll show you some ullzang style, himegyaru style and visual kei style.
Ulzzang was originated from Korea. Ulzzang or Uljjang means "best face" or "good looking" in Korean. The Ulzzang fashion started in South Korea, over the year this fashion had influenced China, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and other Asian countries. Most Asian race quickly took the Korean term and made it their own too, using the fashion in contest most especially the girls who are competing for the title "ulzzang", and as the years pass this fashion had developed into a subculture or style.Nowadays people use this style get popularity not only joining in competition, but also posting their pictures in the internet, that’s why others became popular, famous, and they even become real celebrities.
Himegyaru style, this style is mainly coming off the Japanese street fashion, like the history of Ulzzang, Himegyaru started in Japan and because of it’s becoming increasingly popular it also had influenced other Asian race.
Hime means “princess” in Japanese and, Gyaru means “a type of young women”. This style is all about looking fancy and looking like a doll-faced-princess, and to look vintage.

Visual Kei
Visual kei is a style created in the mid-1980s by Japanese musicians consisting of striking makeup, unusual hair styles and flamboyant costumes, similar to Western glam rock and glam metal.Androgyny is also a popular aspect of the style. Some of the more well-known and influential artists of the style include X Japan, Luna Sea and Malice Mizer.